Business Centres To Beat Realty Buying Hands Down
Business Centres to beat realty buying
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    Business Centres To Beat Realty Buying Hands Down

    Posted on March 18, 2016

    avanta business centre
    With the Real Estate Bill getting a nod from the Lok Sabha to become a law once it gets signed by the President of India, a lot of things are going to change. It will be for the first time that the real estate will be crowned as an industry which is organized with all the clearances getting a serious note of attention.
    It is also believed that the prices of real estate are set to rise. Though the much needed transparency is flushed into the system but, the project holding cost of the real estate companies might also be increased. The impact would directly be felt by the end users in the coming 12-18 months. This erratic behavior of the real estate industry has kept many away from buying and selling their properties for a long period of time.
    The commercial office space although had a better situation in Gurgaon than residential but nevertheless, it was still unaffordable for the cash crunched organizations. The only thing which survived all the odds was the ever blooming business centres in Delhi and Gurgaon. The concept, derived from the US and UK office cultures, is a promising trend catering to the business needs of organizations varying in every size. Be it an entrepreneur, new international players, organizations needing a temporary space for expansion, there is an offering from every price point for every budget. That is the beauty of this concept.
    Apart from being cost effective, it also adds on to the flexibility factor. For example, if you are a team of only two people today, then, you can easily opt for a co-working space in Delhi or Gurgaon with us. As soon as you expand, you always have that flexibility to use our serviced offices. It is also a very convenient option for every business to offer premium pantry services to its employees even if it is a small team.
    What happens when you provide your employees with such a work space that speaks for itself is magic. One, you are able to retain your employees for a very good reason of professional ambience. Two, our offices are at prime locations, making you nearer to your clients. Three, it reflects a good impression to be situated and settled in your business giving you much needed stability.
    Owing a conventional office space is no more trending amongst those who know the benefits of a business centre. It is so much in vogue that if it is on a Friday you confirm your space with us then we make sure it is available to you by the coming Monday. It is over a weekend that we create an office for you. Do you expect the same for a conventional office space? The choice is yours. Choose smart.


    Author: Anvesha Sharma


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