How an Office Space can Influence your Team Well-being
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    How an Office Space can Influence your Team Well-being

    Posted on February 12, 2019

    Research says that 93% of workers in the IT industry said they would stay longer at an organization whose office space offers health benefits to them. Amenities like wellness rooms, fitness centres, healthy snacking options and ergonomic seating.
    Let’s make a plunge further and perceive how you can implement these ideas in your office space:


    Since we spend more than one-third of the day at our workplace, the quality of the air inside has a significant impact on the workers’ health. Here are a couple of approaches that improve air quality.

    • Include indoor air purifying plants
    • Install air purifiers
    • Open and wide windows
    • Spare open space with some greenery
    • Keeping office clutter free
    • Get separate space for smoking



    It is popularly known that water plays a major role in maintaining overall health keeping us become more productive at work.
    Here are a few ways that can help the office goers take more water intake.

    • Provide filtered water
    • Install water purifier and cooler
    • Educate each other about the benefits of water



    Avanta as a business centre have a variety of healthy options in its office space in Delhi and Gurgaon for the clients. Eating a balanced diet supplies your body the nourishment you need to succeed.
    Encourage better dietary patterns with these tips to feel energized, focused and productive.

    • The availability of fresh fruits and vegetables
    • Limit intake of processed food.
    • Availability of sanitizers and good hand washing facilities.
    • Promote healthy food options
    • Create dedicate eating space



    Absence of lightning in the working environment can cause eyestrain, headaches, and blurred vision symptoms. Here are a couple of approaches to reconsider your office lighting design:

    • Consider adding natural light
    • Control overexposure of the fluorescent lights
    • Maximize natural lighting
    • Avoid huge, bulky furniture that blocks the natural light
    • Replace flickering lights.



    Our bodies need some activities because it increases the blood flow to the brain, employees will get a boost of energy and alertness. Regular exercise likewise hones concentration and decision-making skill.
    Here are a few ways to encourage movement at work,

    • Offering open and accessible stairways
    • Parking for bicycles
    • Adjustable workstations
    • Open space for a quick walk.

    Implementing these tips can have a huge impact on professional’s well-being at the workspace leading to their long-time association with the company.


    Author: Anvesha Sharma


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