Should we eat at our desks in the office?
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    Should we eat at our desks in the office?

    Posted on June 2, 2021

    We all know that eating breakfast or lunch at the desk isn’t good for us, but yet we still do it. While our office spaces in Delhi are focusing on creating swanky breakout areas, most of us can’t resist staying at our desks to multitask while eating.

    Eating smelly food at a desk hinders the worker’s productivity, says a new study. The practice has now become so prevalent that two-thirds of people eat lunch at their desks most days of the week, reports Daily Mail. Some foods that have a pungent smell like oily fish, cheese and egg sandwiches harm working conditions and the workplace environment.

    Multi-tasking while having lunch may feel like the best way to get through your workload, however, it can be harmful to your health, and your productivity levels.

    Here’s a list of reasons to skip eating lunch at your desk to take an actual break.

    Increased long-term health risks.

    When we eat lunch at your desk we stay seated longer, and sitting for longer anyhow can make you sick in more ways than one. Sitting for hours continuously can cause increased risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, muscular pain etc. In other words, if you don’t move from your desk to eat lunch, you could end up falling sick and eventually off from work for a longer run. It is suggested to use the pantry areas at your office space in Delhi Gurgaon or any other city.

    You miss the interaction with colleagues.

    Spending lunchtime in the work area limits the interaction opportunities. This can have a knock-on influence on your happiness and productivity. The lunchtime conversation with colleagues break up the day, refresh our minds and reduce stress. That extra time away from work during lunch will allow you to resume work feeling happier and more focused.

    The need for a ‘brain break’.

    Lunchtime is a great excuse to give yourself a ‘brain break’ so you can recharge your mind. It can be all too simple to fill your lunchtime looking up on your to-do schedule or getting lost scrolling through social media. Being on your screen the whole day can give you the feeling of being stressed and overwhelmed.

    Reduced productivity.

    If multitasking is your agenda, think again. No matter how good you think you are at multitasking while sipping a coffee, eating your sandwich, and continuing to read and type, it still isn’t as useful as concentrating on one thing at a time. Because quality work requires deep focus, and deep focus is free of distraction.

    Missing out on motivation.

    While eating at your desk can cause extra strain and decreased productivity, boredom can also lead to a lack of innovative and new ideas. Getting up from your desk every once in a while can give you the energy to get through tough problems that come up. If you continue eating at your desk, you are more likely to continue staring at your screen in disappointment.


    Author: Anvesha Sharma


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