Chandrika Deb

Chandrika Deb

Chandrika Deb, Communications Manager, Central Square Foundation Central Square Foundation Logo


Can you please introduce yourself?
So, my name is Chandrika and I work as a communications manager with Central Square Foundation. We are a venture philanthropy fund and policy think tank. So we make grants in the field of school education and we also do research and advocacy for policy reforming of school education.

Where did you hear about the business centre concept and how did you narrow down to Avanta?
So, I mean I have heard the concept of business centre before because I have friends who are running start-ups and were looking for a place to operate out of and through the concept, through their know and experience I got to know about the concept of the business centre. And we were actually working in an apartment in Khan Market area, and our team size grew phenomenally over couple of months.
So we needed a new space to work out of and in that process we were starting to look out for a new office space. That’s when we heard of the business centre because we needed a temporary space to work out of for a couple of months, and that’s when we came down to Avanta and started working there.

How was been your experience with Avanta?
So honestly from, coming from an office where we were working out of an apartment to actually working in a more formal environment was great for us. And it was a very helpful team that was there with us in Avanta, so very comfortable we felt for those two months that we were at Avanta. And it was it was extremely satisfying for us to be in a place where we were taken care of and people helped whenever we needed anything.

Do you have any comments on Avanta Business Centre team?
So like I said the team was very helpful and whenever we faced issues whether it was with the internet and whether it was with any kind of you know administrative issues they were always available. We just had to make a phone call and they would come and sort issues out for us immediately. So I think the team was extremely helpful. And even in terms of making us comfortable I think it was very hygienic and it was very well maintained. So I think the team is extremely helpful in there and always available for us to kind of serve any needs.

Will you recommend someone to have an office space with Avanta and why?
I would definitely recommend people to kind of explore Avanta if they are looking for an office space and I think it’s been a very, it’s been a real experience for us as an organization, so definitely you know it’s worth looking at for other people.