Top 5 Hacks to be Healthy at Coworking Space
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    Top 5 Hacks to be Healthy at Coworking Space

    Posted on December 23, 2019

    As suggested by research reports, average working professionals spend less than 30 minutes a day on their feet in the office. In such a sedentary lifestyle, mobility is the key to healthy work-life.

    Sitting at a desk is important to complete the tasks but it likewise negatively affects their wellbeing, so what can office-going professionals do to help.

    Walk when you meet – The act of walking helps in being active mentally, and there’s a lot of written studies which recommends that walking meetings lead to more honest exchanges of ideas with the team and are more productive than traditional sit-down conversations.

    Take Breaks – Going for frequent short breaks are better than a few long ones and gives the mind a chance to relax. Where conceivable, try to encourage co-workers to take regular breaks from their screens, such as getting a cup of tea/coffee, going for some fresh air, photocopying or taking a call.

    Standing desks – Many of the coworking spaces in Delhi have started keeping standing desks at their centres, which has a ton of health benefits. It lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease, bad body postures, good for people having spine problems etc. One cannot feel dizzy even if working for long hours at standing desk unlike sitting those comfortable chairs.

    Ergonomic Furniture – Sitting on a poor-quality chair for too long can contribute to back and neck pain so employers should choose coworking spaces which provide ergonomic workstations to help their team feel as comfortable as possible at their work areas. Choose for coworking spaces which offer high-quality furniture to avoid such issues.

    Pick an office near gyms – The undeniable advantage of having health professionals is that healthier employees don’t take sick leaves too often. They are more inspired to stay in work and are at low risk of health issues. Choosing coworking spaces near fitness clubs would encourage employees to engage with workout sessions. It will lead to higher productivity and increased staff morale.
    Have anything else to share? Let us know in the comment section.


    Author: Anvesha Sharma


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