Nakul Mathur

Nakul Mathur

Nakul Mathur


Managing Director India

Avanta’s business in India has considerable matured over a period of time from where we started and where we are now. In 2008 when we started in India, the business centre industry was not so well known as it is today and we have contributed to how business centre industry has matured in India as well. We have very painstakingly developed the business centre, developed our team, developed a marketing base, developed a finance base and we have constantly raised the bar for service delivery as compared to what it was and I’m sure our competitors are really struggling to match up our service delivery levels. In addition to raising the bar for delivery of service quality, we have also raised the bar for flexibility. That’s why our clients really choose us. They want to be in Avanta’s centre because they get more flexibility here whether be it their physical status of their office, or be it the pricing that we work on. But the most important part of any business is the people that you work with. Be it your vendors, be it your staff, your team, be it your clients. That is what really builds the business. Having a good team is very important for any business because they are the ones who actually deliver that quality service to the client. It matters a great deal in service industry that we are in. Till what we’ve achieved now in terms of service delivery, in terms of building a good product and a good brand, all the credit goes to the fabulous team we have here. Right from marketing to finance, to daily operations, to sales. Again the team is doing a fabulous job and bringing everything together.

The alignment of goals of the team is clearly reflected in the Client Satisfaction Survey that we have done recently and we’ve got really fabulous feedback from our clients. Each one of them is very happy and the fact that most of the clients have been sitting here for a very long time. There are some clients who have been sitting there for over three years now, so that’s a really good achievement I believe.

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